AMPM 2021: First Workshop in Agent-based Modeling & Policy-Making
in conjunction with JURIX 2021, the 34th International Conference on Legal
Knowledge and Information Systems, Vilnius, Lithuania
Opening & Keynote Speech
12:30 - 13:30 (CET 11:30 - 12:30, UTC 10:30 - 11:30)
- Introduction (15min)
- Bruce Edmonds, Understanding social norms: a multi-level, policy modelling approach; presentation
10 min pause
Session 1 - Contexts and Topics
13:40 - 14:40 (CET 12:40 - 13:40, UTC 11:40 - 12:40)
- Katharina Luckner and Veronika Fikfak. Why the Study of International Law Needs Agent-based Modeling: The Case of Compliance; presentation
- Valentina Punzo. Dissecting crime through ABM. From theory testing to policy design; presentation
- Margherita Vestoso and Ilaria Cecere. *Exploring the boundaries between law, ABM and policy-making: on the clash between formal and informal norms**; presentation
- Sebastian Benthall, Joshua Epstein, Erez Hatna, Katherine Strandburg and Michael Tschantz. *Towards Regulatory Design with Agent-Based Modeling at the Boundary of Law and Software**; presentation
10 min pause
Session 2 - Models
14:50 - 15:50 (CET 13:50 - 14:50, UTC 12:50 - 13:50)
- Gido Schoenmacker, Wander Jager and Rineke Verbrugge. *Empirically grounded agent-based policy evaluation of the adoption of sustainable lighting under the European Ecodesign Directive**; presentation
- Martina Fazio, Alessandro Pluchino, Giuseppe Inturri, Michela Le Pira, Nadia Giuffrida and Matteo Ignaccolo. *Agent-Based Modelling of Mobility Restrictions at a Large Scale: Exploring the Impact on the COVID-19 Spreading in Italy**; presentation
- Laura Mazzarino, Alessio Emanuele Biondo and Damiano Rossello. *Portfolio Optimization and Trading Strategies: a simulation approach**; presentation
- Jan de Mooij, Davide Dell’Anna, Parantapa Bhattacharya, Mehdi Dastani, Brian Logan and Samarth Swarup. *Using Agent-Based Simulation to Investigate Behavioural Interventions in a Pandemic using Mobility Data**; presentation
10 min pause
Session 3 - Methods and Technologies
16:00 - 16:45 (CET 15:00 - 15:45, UTC 14:00 - 14:45)
- Etienne Houzé, Ada Diaconescu and Jean-Louis Dessalles. Using Decentralised Conflict-Abduction-Negation in Policy-making; presentation
- Alejandro Morales. Self-optimization for transdisciplinary intervention; presentation
- Ada Diaconescu, Dominique Blouin and Alice Ludvig. *Multi-paradigm Modelling for Policy-driven Socio-technical Systems**; presentation
16:45 - 17:15 (CET 15:45 - 16:15, UTC 14:45 - 15:15)
- Wrap-up, open community discussion